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About Ning

Hi, I am a poet, apprentice to sorrow, grief advocate by day, and dream yogi by night. Since I lost my mom to heart failure in 2018, it has been my mission to support people in navigating the labyrinth patterns of grief through dreams and healing rituals. I recently published a book of poems on Grief (Death Song in Green) and run a grief newsletter called “Grief Dances”.


I have a Bsc. in Mathematics from UCLA and an M.A. in Psychology from Columbia University. I also have 12+ years of experience as a digital transformation and sustainability consultant. In my free time, I love volleyball, fantasy movies, hot yoga, and gaming with friends and family. Learn more by clicking any of the social links below.​

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About Dream Reunions


My story


I met my mother for the first time in a dream two weeks after she died in 2018. We walked down a gravel road near my childhood home, while her body lay a thousand miles away in a morgue in Silver Spring, Maryland.


As we walked, we talked.


When I asked her why she had died, with the composure of a philosophy professor, she said “it was part of the plan”. I was furious and might have cussed her out. In either case, I abruptly ended the visit. We did not meet again for many months.


It was not until maybe a year or so later that I would see her again in a visitation dream. Then it became a constant: my mother was keeping tabs on my life! she would show up and ask me for an introduction when I entered a new relationship and then again to hold me when it ended. In 2021, she was the first one to wish me happy birthday and later in that year she kicked my ass to work on poems that had come out of sitting with my grief daily in what I call “crying sessions”. These poems have become a poetry collection called Death Song in Green dedicated to her.


Visiting with my mom is not strange because, since 2013, I have spent thousands of hours learning how to lucidly navigate the dream world. I developed a deep interest in dreams about 10 years ago when I came across Jung’s methodology of dreams and since then, I have spent years and thousands of dollars researching alternate consciousnesses through personal dreams, global workshops, and trainings across multiple traditions.


In the time that has passed since her death, I have embraced a new role as a guide through grief, and a dream yogi that uses conscious dreaming as a medium to process and heal grief as well as experience what I like to call the light side of grief.


Through helping others and reconnecting with my mother through dream visitations, I have found a profound sense of purpose that has given the senselessness of what we have endured at least some measure of meaning.




The Beginning...


​The idea for Dream Reunions came to me in the form of a question I asked myself in 2020 when we were at the height of covid and I found myself surrounded by a collective onslaught of grief.


How can I help people who are going through the deep abyss of grief gain some nourishment for their pain so that they could balance out the anguish with additional context?


I realized that it was only the warmth of my mother’s hug in the first dream visit I had 2 weeks after her death that gave me the courage to enter directly into the scorching flames of my grief.


Given that lucid dreaming is a learnable skill with mountains of scientific research backing its viability, I practiced different skills so that I could have a conscious conversation with my mother when she visited me.​


With time, I realized that I did not have to wait for random visits, but I could combine a lucid dream and visitation dream and schedule dream dates with her.  I currently have a rich and ever-evolving relationship with my mother. She is off to her own adventures but is still a very active part of my life and pops in during dicey periods to offer support and guidance.


Of course, this does not negate the pain from her physical absence which still hits and cripples me every now and then but when that happens, I know how to find her.





The 11-day Invitation


The 11-day Dream Reunions invitation is an integration of 10 years of dream, consciousness, and grief research into an immersive cohort-based journey that teaches you the skills you need to have a dream visit with your loved one.

With patience, motivation, and the tools I give you inside this 11-day invitation, it is possible for you to learn how to use dreams to continue your relationship with your loved one even as you simultaneously grieve their physical absence.


Above all else, I am an avid researcher of truth and I invite you to find out your own truths for yourself and answer the question:  Is it possible to form a new relationship with my deceased loved one?


It is my sincere wish and intention that by the end of this 1-1 mentorship, you will reunite with your dead loved one in a dream not as a way to negate the deep pain you are feeling from their physical absence, but as a way to balance the loss with a new opportunity to reconnect that will provide you with nourishment, consolation, inspiration and peace during your grieving process.


See you there?


Much Love,


Professional Bio



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